Residential Services

Community Homes

Arc Human Services operates residential homes throughout Allegheny, Butler, Beaver, Clearfield, Jefferson, Indiana and Washington countries. At each site, direct care professionals assist in providing a relaxing, enjoyable atmosphere combined with teaching the necessary skills to maintain day-to-day living. AHS also provides structured community outings, vacations and events which allow people or individuals, and their network to achieve appreciation for the other.

In a home-like environment, individuals are able to receive the support and supervision needed to cook, clean, shop and engage in all facets of daily living. Individuals learn self-care, mobility, personal and social development, communication and language and money management skills.

Supported Living Homes

In this program, one or more adults share an apartment or other residence in the community. They live on their own, but receive support services and assistance from staff on an as needed basis. The goal of the Supported Living program is to allow clients to graduate to a completely independent setting. For some individuals, these environments along with regular staff visits become their long-term home.

Mental Health Services

Arc Human Services provides a community residential rehabilitation program which provides a stable and supportive setting for persons with serious mental illness. Residents live in a home-like setting where they receive counseling and rehabilitation appropriate to their individual levels of function, enabling them to progress at their own pace from the transitional living situation to living independently in the community. Referrals are accepted from the Base Service Units and authorized by the County. AHS has two licensed homes in Washington as well as Specialized Housing – a program to address and meet the unique needs of those living with mental illness – in Butler and Beaver Counties.

Life Sharing

Arc Human Services is looking for homes to become Life Sharing providers. Homes can be single individuals, couples or families. Biological families of individuals with intellectual disabilities/autism who have been identified as life sharing candidates may also be eligible for the program. Once you have been chosen as a life sharing provider, your role with be designed specifically based on the individual’s daily needs as well as your abilities as a life sharing provider. Life sharing providers contract with Arc Human Services and receive a tax-exempt daily stipend based on the person’s support needs to cover services provided as well as room/board. 

If are interested in learning more about this opportunity, please contact Lynn Koosher at 724-624-7474.