MonthlyYearlyWeekly ... DailyGrid January 2025 Location 111 West Pike Street Arc’s Art Gallery Canonsburg Chartiers Community Center Chartiers Houston School District Nineteen North PA 15317 The “Connecting through Inspiration” Art Gallery Washington Crown Center Select MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember2023202420252026202720282029 MONTUEWEDTHUFRISATSUN 303112Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 3Coffee and Tea Chat at Chicco’s w/ Open Art Studio 4567Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 8Kids Sledding (Colored Pencils) 9Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 10Coffee and Tea Chat at Chicco’s w/ Open Art Studio 11121314Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 15Winter Cabin (Acrylics) 16Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 17Coffee and Tea Chat at Chicco’s w/ Open Art Studio 18192021Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 22Penguin Cartoon (watercolors) Yoga Class 23Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics Self Advocacy in Action January Meeting 24Coffee and Tea Chat at Chicco’s w/ Open Art Studio 25262728Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 29Undersea World (Markers) 30Adaptive Fitness Class: instructed by Eruption Athletics 31Coffee and Tea Chat at Chicco’s w/ Open Art Studio 12