Community Services
Community Employment Services
Our small group employment services provide businesses with a trained workforce of laborers or staff with varying disabilities who are supported on-site with job coaching.
Our business partners enter into a contract with Arc Human Services. This alleviates the need for businesses to handle payroll, scheduling, and other administrative requirements.
Our commercial janitorial program provides the opportunity for those we serve to develop vocational skills while meeting the cleaning needs of our business partners.
For more information, please contact Brent Troyan, Director of Employment Services, at 724-624-7478 or via email
Job Training
Arc Human Services Job Training program was developed to assist individuals with disabilities in securing gainful employment at local businesses within their community. This program provides clients with intense one-on-one training and supervision until the individual can perform the job independently.
Clients can participate in one of several training programs including food service, or janitorial maintenance. The 16 week programs teache the skills needed in specific jobs.
Successful program graduates are placed in jobs within the community, frequently through our Job Coaching Program. Individuals are also referred to our training by the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation.
For more about this program, click here.
Supports Brokering Services
The Supports Broker can provide coaching, consultation, and guidance to people and their families as the individual and/or their family assume the employer of record or managing employer roles. Everything from recruiting and supervising staff, to facilitating personal futures planning and community resourcing can be done by and with the Supports Broker.
The Supports Broker assists an individual with only participant-directed aspects of their ISP and with the enhancement of natural and generic community supports as identified in the ISP.
Some examples of the tasks of a Supports Broker include:
- Assisting in developing Support Persons job descriptions, recruiting, developing work schedules, and evaluating.
- Linking individuals with community resources
- Obtaining information on available supports to meet an individual’s needs
- Providing information and guidance on the Office of Developmental Programs delivery system
- Working with team members as a part of the individual’s Individual Support Plan team member
For more information, please contact Lynn Orawiec at (724) 624-7474 or via email at
Home & Community Support
A variety of services and supports are available to families caring for a child or adult sibling with an intellectual or developmental disability. Individuals live in private family homes where they can receive services, form relationships, participate in everyday family activities and be active members of their community. AHS services are a community-based alternative to more traditional care facilities and a welcome solution for families that are seeking quality services for a loved one.
Home and Community Support include selfcare needs, emotional supports, daily activities, recreational opportunities, social development, safety awareness, volunteer opportunities, and any skill building strategies services that can be provided in private homes, schools, communities and other settings of the person’s choice. A strong emphasis is placed on community involvement as well as positive family, sibling and peer interactions.